Besides the 2 or 3 (or maybe 4) blue ones in earlier posts, here are a few of my bluer quilts:
Cowgirl Blues (2003?) [for Karen]
Through Time and Space (2000) [Anniversary Gift for Jim]
Dorothy's 80th Birthday Quilt (1997)
Sunflower Wallhanging (20??) [with lots of Swarovski crystals]
Walk In The Woods (2008) [for Lawson because of Alaska!]
Blue Mountains and Meteors (2002?) [for David]
This is just a small detail. I can't find a bigger picture of this one. But it's BLUE!
So, do you think I'm in a rut? Old habits must die hard, because I recently purchase MORE blue fabric. Maybe the best thing to do is go out, hit all my favorite quilt shops and buy anything and everything except blue. Yeah, that's a plan I like!
I'll leave you with this lap quilt, although it's only partly blue. When I put this one together I wasn't particularly interested in patriotic designs but I had the right fabric and it seemed like the right time. I finished it on Flag Day 2001. Not many weeks later we experienced the devastating losses on 9/11/2001 and the quilt took on a deeper meaning for me. Since then I've made a couple things for Quilts of Valor; more on that great organization in a later post.